Autonomy Safety Standards in Automotive
The world of standards in the automotive autonomous vehicle industry is continually changing, at least relative to more stable standards in functional safety such as the ISO 26262:2018 standard. It is important to note that this blog has been written at the beginning of February 2024 as there will be changes in the coming months. Most recently we have seen a lot of activity and publications regarding the EU AI Act. However, as automotive and autonomous vehicle developers, don’t expect this to be a handbook on how to develop your product. It is more important for us to focus on automotive centric AI and autonomy standards.
One of those big changes will be the release of the ISO/CD PAS 8800 – Road Vehicles: Safety and artificial intelligence standard. The ISO/CD PAS 8800 is currently under development and expected to be published in April or May of 2024. The ISO 8800 standard addresses the lifecycle for AI systems and adds the context of AI into the ISO 26262 and ISO 21448 standards. It contains normative clauses related to AI safety management, assurance arguments for AI systems, verification and validation of AI systems, safety analysis of AI systems, as well as other related topics. ISO 8800 requires a basic safety standard, such as ISO 26262, and will work in parallel with functional safety to build up safety artifacts leading into safety assurance argumentations. It references these seven key related standards:
- ISO 26262:2018 – Road vehicles: Functional Safety;
- ISO 21448:2022 – Road vehicles: Safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF);
- ISO/TR 4804:2020 – Road vehicles: Safety and cybersecurity for automated driving systems – Design, verification and validation (will be replaced by ISO/CD TS 5083 – Road vehicles: Safety for automated driving systems – Design, verification and validation; currently under development);
- ISO/IEC 24029 – Artificial intelligence: Assessment of the robustness of neural networks (Part 1 published in 2021, Part 2 published in 2023, Part 3 currently under development);
- ISO/IEC 5469:2024 – Artificial intelligence: Functional safety and AI systems;
- ISO/IEC 24027:2021 – Information technology: Artificial intelligence (AI) – Bias in AI systems and AI aided decision making;
- ISO/IEC 22989:2022 – Information technology: Artificial intelligence – Artificial intelligence concepts and terminology.