Leading the Charge in Electric Vehicle Safety

In 2022, the worldwide sales of Electric Vehicles (EV) exceeded 10 million vehicles for the first time, tripling the number of vehicles sold in just three years. This trend is expected to continue as some nations will require zero-emission vehicles in the coming years. The SecuRESafe team has been working in high voltage and electric powertrain safety since 2000. With our long history working with EV suppliers and OEMs, we offer our clients deep practicable insights to safely developing EVs. Whether it be adapting E-Gas monitoring concepts, or active discharge strategies, or safety diagnostic architectures, we at SecuRESafe can help you. We help you align and adapt your architectures to meet functional safety standards such as ISO 26262 and other related FMVSS and ECE requirements.

Related Services

Motor Control System, Hardware & Software Development
High Voltage Safety
Electromagnetic Compatibility and Interference

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